Use Random obj Spawner button to create objects on screen. Adjust the shape, size, angle, and color using the dropdown menu, slider, and color buttons. Use the Reset button to remove objects. Use the Timely Destroyer check box if you want the objects not to disappear after 3 seconds. You can also change the time system by using the dropdown menu to 12 hour system or 24 hour system
Feature 1: Time
Input: Text automatically generated
Output: Gives the current Time
Process: It shows you the current time in est
Feature 2: Time system changer
Input: Dropdown Menu
Output: Using the dropdown menu you can change the 12 hours system or 24 hour system
Process: If you click on drop down menu you get two options to choose from 12 hour system and 24 hour system select one to get the desire time system
Feature 3: Object Rotator
Input: Slider
Output: Use slider to change objects rotation
Process: Use the slider from left to right to rotate the objects
Feature 4: Randomly Object Spawner
Input: Button
Output: Use Button to spawn objects randomly on screen
Process: If you click on button randomly objects will spawn in scene
Feature 5: Timely Destroyer checkbox
Input: Checkbox
Output: Use the checkbox button if you want objects to stay or disappear after 3 seconds
Process: If you checked on checkbox objects will destroy after 3 seconds if you unchecked the checkbox objects will stay in scene
Feature 6: Reset Button
Input: Button
Output: reset button clear everything in scene
Process: Left click on reset button will reset all the objects in scene and remove everything